For everyone 1 fan joined = 1 day Chuck may not jack off starting March 1st's Fan Box

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hornier Then Usual

So Day 2 goes out to Mike Cude. Love ya buddy. Umm so thought day 2 would of been as easy as day 1, but No it started with a text from a Girl who will remain anonymous saying she had a sex dream about me. I just basically thought she was lying and called her a liar. So luckily I forgot all about that and went on with my school day. Then about 30 mins ago she tells me what happened in her dream. And here is this message:

(Sorry if you can barely read the print)

Ahhh!! I had a boner, got pretty damn horny. Ah! I need to get laid, yet I know no one in Pasadena (I kinda just moved here) Well few minutes have passed I think I'm pretty over it. Well because the penis is feelin soft. So I'm pretty good. Still need to get laid... ladies?